Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Danish Macaroni Salad

This makes a lot, and it is a little on the dry side (VS the creamy type), but it is very good! It was successful at my last office pot-luck.

4 cups cooked elbow macaroni
3 hard cooked eggs
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1 tsp. salt
1/3 cups mayonnaise
2/3 cups sour cream
2 tbsp. diced pimento
2 tbsp. finely chopped dill

Combine the mustard, salt, mayo and sour cream. Add to the macaroni and mix. Add the pimento and gently mix again.

Heap the salad on a platter and sprinkle with the dill. Garnish with the hard cooked eggs cut into wedges. (I don't put the salad on a platter, I just mix the dill and the eggs together with the salad in the bowl. I use a very big bowl.)

Tastes and Tales: Jewish Cookery for Young People and Tales from Around the Word, Malvina W. Liebman, 1986

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